Thursday, October 1, 2009

Add this to the list of things I won't let my daughter do

Dear Katie Holmes,

I'm just going to throw this out there...a three year old in heels looks stupid. That is, unless those heels have a Disney princess on them and are being worn during dress-up in a basement.


Edit to note: I'm sure (or at least I hope) that this was a situation in which Suri didn't want to take off her play shoes. But if a child's outfit could be upsized to fit Charlotte on SATC, I call foul. I am a huge proponent of little girls looking age appropriate - no heels, no belly shirts, no Victoria's Secret Pink logos on the bum, and no faux tats. It's OK if you think I'm archaic.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you are archaic. I think you are RIGHT! Girls don't need to grow up any faster than they already do! Josie won't wear a two peice bathing suit until she's a teenager. I don't even like baby bikinis. I know I'm a prude.
