Thursday, July 23, 2009


I love my husband. But sometimes I miss having the entire bed to myself. Like when I'm kept awake all night because I have a snoring husband to my right, and a snoring dog to my left. I'm just saying.


  1. You know, that is one thing I worry about when I get married.... I don't want anyone taking up my part of the bed when I'm trying to sleep, and heaven's to betsy if they snore we are DONE... I have a hard enough time getting quality sleep as is.....
    Holy cow, not to mention, sharing a closet.... where am I supposed to put all my shoes?
    Now that I'm thinking about this, maybe being single isn't so bad afterall....

  2. A - if you enjoy finding the "cold-spot" in the sheets like I do, having a bed buddy doesn't help either! And don't get me started on the closet space! The Husband has more room than I do..except for the shoe rack of course!
