Friday, July 24, 2009

Please God, Make it Stop

This commercial...

...makes me want to tear my ear drums out with my bare hands. I know I'm not the target audience, but if my imaginary kids were moved to beg me for an ice cream cake as a result of seeing this commercial, I would refuse on principle alone.


  1. But I have so many good memories of Baskin Robbins on Hal Greer!

  2. Holy moly! I actually kind of thought that commercial was sorta okay....
    I mean, it is obvious by watching most commercials these days that there's been some major slashes to the advertising and marketing budgets of most companies.... but, with ice cream cake, I don't really see how you can go wrong. Yum.

  3. Yes, normally whenever I see a BR commercial, I have an intense craving for the best chocolate-peanut butter ice cream ever. However, just hearing this commercial makes me want to send a shoe through the TV. It's the song...I don't know what it is, but it just drives me up a wall!

    J, I miss those skinny-teen days when we used to spend the day at the pool, walk around Ritter twice, and reward ourselves with a little ice cream!
