Dear Lazy Man in the Harris Teeter parking lot,
I watched you drop your three children and your wife off at the curb before you maneuvered your truck into the "new and expectant mothers" parking spot. I noticed that it took you three attempts to get the truck in the spot. I figure this is due to one of two reasons 1) you aren't a very good driver or 2) your truck is too damn big for the spot. I'm sure there is a good reason why you need a double extended cab and an super wide bed- maybe you work in construction, and that would be totally reasonable. However, I would like to point out that if your truck is so big that it takes up almost two spots, your lazy ass should be parking it in the back of the parking lot. The person who had the misfortune of parking in the spot beside yours will have to climb in the passenger side to get in their car, but why should you care? You already dropped off your 3 kids who are old enough to be in elementary school and your wife at the curb so they wouldn't have to climb out of your side of the car. Great forethought on your part!
Now, on to the fact that you are apparently lacking a little decency. I'm going to explain something to you. The "new and expectant mother" spots at the grocery store are not legally binding like the handicapped parking spaces. So technically I suppose you have every right to park there. However, these spots are a courtesy for women who might be nine months pregnant and having trouble getting around. Or for the mother (or father) who's struggling with a two year old and a newborn and all of their accoutrements. I watched you jump down from your behemoth vehicle, and it was apparent to me that you had no toddlers or babies or any kiddie paraphernalia with you. Heck, you weren't even carrying reusable grocery bags. I should clarify that I have no children, nor am I expecting. I don't have any claim over those spots. But, I would never think of parking in a marked spot because it doesn't hurt me to walk a little. Believe me, sir, it wouldn't hurt you either.
Look, I'm sorry I'm coming down on you so hard. But here's the thing - if we all just dug deep within our selves and thought about the small things, the things that often go unnoticed that would make other people's lives easier, this world would be a much nicer place to be. I'm not saying I'm a perfect Mother Theresa likeness, because I'm certainly not. I just think that NOT parking in a spot clearly marked "new and expectant mothers" would have been such an easy thing for you to do. By parking in that spot, you were not only making life more difficult for some one else, you were teaching your children that consideration of others is overrated. I'm just saying.

Hilariously written! The entire scene played out in my mind as I read. Now I am furious at the Lazy Man in the Harris Teeter parking lot.