Thursday, June 11, 2009

So, I miss Excel. So what?

Coming from a public accounting background, my passion for the Excel spreadsheet should be implied.  I loved formatting my work papers, optimizing the organization of information in the most efficient way. Color coding and linking worksheets was fun for me.  And this is when you realize that I am a huge geek. Unfortunately, I miss Excel so much that I've worked it into my haphazard attempt to be a hyper-organized housewife.

Case in point:
I cook dinner at least 6 out of 7 nights a week.  And I am always trying new recipes.  When I would ask the Husband how he liked dinner, I would always get "fine," and "good."  Not helpful since "fine" and "good" often mean "ugh" and "edible."  So I implemented a five-point rating system for The Husband.  Please know that this system is from his perspective, especially since he is the son of a restauranteur.

5 -  Love it, make it every day!
4 -  Excellent, put it on the favs rotation
3 - It's OK, I won't complain when you make it because I appreciate the fact you make dinner every night even though I am perfectly capable of cooking a decent meal but never do.  
2 -  Please don't make this again.  Just make me soup instead.
1 -   I'd rather share The Boy's dinner

How does The Husband's five-point rating system apply to Excel?  Well...I've started keeping a spreadsheet detailing the dish, where I got the recipe, the rating, and any comments we have.  When The Husband realized I was doing this, he shook his head and said, "You've got to find a job."  I think I'm just amazingly organized.  And perhaps I have just a tad too much time on my hands.

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny! Now you need a spreadsheet that organizes his ratings for each meal and find the average rating, etc. You get the point!
