I'll admit that I'm a little difficult to live with. I am very particular about organization. My kitchen pantry is basically indexed, I expect the closet to be organized by clothing type and color, and my towels and sheets are impeccably folded. It's because of my slight case of OCD that I am the one in the house who does all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. The Husband won't do it right anyway, so why ask him to do anything? This works well for us, as I refuse to do any work in the yard or exterior of our house.
My point is that I only ask that The Husband not mess up my system. He's got a pretty sweet deal, if you ask me, seeing as how he doesn't cook or clean. So why, oh why can't he replace a roll of toilet paper? I walked into 2 of our 3 bathrooms today to find an empty roll on both of the holders, and new rolls sitting on the sinks. Is it really that difficult a task? Or am I just totally unreasonable?

Oh, I feel your pain!!! It's just so frustrating.