Since it is Father's Day, I am going to share one of my favorite memories of my dad:
Growing up, both of my parents worked. My brother and I were involved in every extracurricular activity imaginable. Therefore, dinner in our house was a revolving door of "dinner's on the stove, eat when you can." Dad thought it was important to have one family meal per day. With breakfast as our only option, he got up extra early every morning and "cooked" a sit down meal that was served on the good china. Rubbery microwave pancakes, incinerated bacon and canned fruit salad on my mother's good china; OJ in the Waterford. Cooking was not Dad's strong suit, but he could set a nice table!
During breakfast, he used to make us answer presidential trivia cards that he picked up in DC. My brother and I each had to answer five questions correctly before we could leave the table. It was such an annoying ordeal, but I have to say that I know a ton of random crap about the first 38 presidents. Are you figuring out where I inherited my geek-gene yet?
It's one of those things we all have a good laugh about now - our nearly inedible breakfasts and my dad's attempt to interest a 10 year old and 14 year old in American history. But most importantly, I learned that no matter how busy life may be, you always make time for family.
Side Note - those presidential trivia cards have not been lost - we found out from one of my dad's partners that he quizzes his employees during the Monday staff meetings.

Something I didn't know about you! Very interesting!! Now I know where your love of history originated from.