Sunday, July 25, 2010

New Heights of Lazy

Last week, I realized exactly how lazy I have become, and it's down right embarrassing:

1) The Husband recently told me that he prefers generic Oreo-type cookies. Fine, I'm good with saving a couple of bucks. I, however, do not like generic Oreo-type cookies - because of the packaging. A couple of years ago, Oreo changed their packaging so that you simply have to open a re-sealable flap on the top of the box to get a cookie. The generic kind still make you open the package at the end so that you have to pull out the tray of cookies, take what you want, then shove the tray back in. I simply cannot be bothered with that much work to get a cookie. I am now rationalizing that it is a good thing to buy the generic - I am too lazy to perform all of those steps.

2) A few weeks ago, I was going to make a roast in the crock pot when I realized that I was out of liner bags. I thought, "Oh crap. Now I can't make the roast." It took me a few minutes to remember that before the invention of the crock pot liners, I did in fact scrub the crock pot by hand.

3) We have cheap-o microwaves at work. I'm used to putting something in the microwave and hitting 2 for two minutes. Like magic, the machine starts automatically. At work, I have to hit time cook, then 2-0-0, then start. And for Pete's sake, there is no button that opens the microwave door. I have to wrench the thing open myself.

I'm not proud of these confessions.

1 comment:

  1. I like to think of it as being efficient . . . not lazy!
