I have a completely irrational fear of squirrels. When I was in college, I would try to avoid walking under the trees on the way to class for fear one would leap out of it's lofty perch and maul my face. I have no idea what has prompted my psyche to fear these little beasts.
Squirrels are out in full force. I have to restrain The Boy from chasing them up a tree. I have to pause to let one get across the street. I have to shoo them out of our backyard.
And it occurred to me today...I have never, ever seen a baby squirrel.
I saw a baby squirrel . . . a dead one! We had a dead baby squirrel in our landscaping. It was disgusting. I had to shove it under some leaves so Josie wouldn't touch it. I'm disgusted just wondering if it's still there. I should've had Bob get it and "throw it over the fence" (which is what we do with all of our yard waste)!