Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Teensy Tirade Tuesday

  1. Pedestrians, heed my warning. I get that you have the right of way. But when you don't even ATTEMPT to look for oncoming traffic before you walk across the parking lot, it makes me WANT to hit you. 
  2. The Boy threw up twice today. It's at these moments I think, "I am not ready for motherhood." I gagged a lot today, and I'm kind of over it.
  3. The Husband is working late, so I had brussel sprouts for dinner. I like brussel sprouts, but I'm not happy about them comprising an entire meal, and I'm just too lazy to fix something for myself.

1 comment:

  1. I love brussel sprouts! Gosh, it's been years since I've had them, though. I can't believe they were filling enough for dinner, though.
