Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm a little evil

I hate cell phones. Hate them. Never answer my own unless it's The Husband, to be honest. And people who think cell phones aren't a distraction or a danger annoy me. I don't want to hear your conversation in the grocery store, or the gym, or in the dressing room at Ann Taylor. And I sure as hell don't want to see you on your phone driving down the street.

So when I watched a guy running in my neighborhood answer his cell phone and then trip, I laughed. I couldn't help it.


  1. When my cell phone wasn't work for a week, I felt so free! Of course, we don't have a home phone and I had Bob's for an emergency. But it was very liberating. I hate it when people are literally glued to their cell phones. Why can't they just be? Why do they always have to be talking to someone? And I definitely think cell phones should be banned while driving. People who don't think it affects their driving are ignorant!

  2. I'm with you on the cell phone thing! I've actually been in public restrooms when someone is on the phone in the next stall. WTF?
